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Acces to cluster
Access to the Ibnqonfud Cluster of the University of Skikda is via an SSH connection :
• Under windows: use Teraterm ou putty
• Under linux: use openssh
Access with command line via ssh for a user with user ,ame user is:
ssh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Compilation of programs
Default compilators on Ibnqonfud are of Intel : icc et ifort.
You can compile your programs (fortran or C) using following commands :

On fortran : mpiifort your_program.for -o your_executable
On C :           mpiicc your_program.c -o votre_executable
 It is highly recommended to test your executable's dependency on math libraries by the command: Idd votre_executable

Submission of  jobs (tasks)
Le cluster Ibnqonfud uses scheduler slurm .In this effect, it is recomanded to write a script bash (or c-shell).
Example :
#SBATCH --partition=R424# Name of partition : R424
#SBATCH –nodes=5 # Number of used nodes 5
#SBATCH –ntasks-per-node=20# Number of cores by node : 20(maximum)
#SBATCH –time=00:10:00 # Time by Day-Hour:minutes:secondes
#SBATCH –mail-type=END, FAIL # Notification by mail of job
#SBATCH –mail-user=your_mail # mail address of user
#SBATCH –error=ibnqonfud.%N.%j.err # Standard out for errors
#SBATCH –output=ibnqonfud.%N.%j.out # Standard out for results
srun ./Pi_mpi.x

Notice: A job can be sequential, parametric, or parallel, for documentation, go to this site


1.Calculation of Pi using the Monte Carlo method : (look for Source code )

2. Compile programme with: $ mpiicc -O2 Pi_mpi.c -o Pi_mpi.x

3. Write a batch file pour le lancer dans le cluster :

The content of file est:
#SBATCH --partition=r424
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20
#SBATCH -J Pi_mpi
#SBATCH –time=0-00:10:00
#SBATCH --mail-type=end
#SBATCH –mail-user=This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
#SBATCH --error=Pi_mpi.err
#SBATCH --output=Pi_mpi.out
srun ./Pi_mpi.x

4. Submit script to Slurm :

$ sbatch
Submitted batch job 1900
Slurm give un a number to your
job. In this example, the identifier job is 1900.

Calculations follow-up
To check its calculations, it is necessary to execute:    
  squeue -u
• For cancelling a submission,
you have to identify the job ID with squeue and execute,
To view detailed job information :
  scontrol show job jobid -dd
• To estimate the likely start time of a waiting job :     
  scontrol show job | grep StartTime=  ou  squeue   -o "%S"  -j           
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